


Like all cultural institutions, we couldn’t function without our volunteers! With over 700 volunteers annually, the Utah Symphony | Utah Opera (USUO) Volunteer Network is the largest volunteer organization supporting our mission. Volunteering your time and energy to the USUO Volunteer Network is a great way to reap significant cultural and social benefits while providing vital support to our organization. We couldn’t function without you! We are looking for people passionate about bringing world class music to our communities and we’d love you to join us!

From September through May, we use volunteers weekly to help greet, work in our gift shops, serve refreshments in our receptions, assist with music outreach programs, present in schools as docents, pick up guest artists up from the airport, help with special events, etc. During our summer festival, we need volunteers for ushers, ticket takers, and a whole lot more.

To thank you for your help, you will receive complimentary tickets to events, educational exposure to artistic personnel, and opportunities to socialize and network with culturally active individuals.

Position Description Time
COAT CHECK Help our take coats from patrons for the coat check. Based on show times, times range 4:30-10:30 PM
HOST Greeting patrons, stacking chairs, setting up and serving our intermission reception. This position requires you to be able to lift and stack chairs above your head and stand for long periods of time. Based on show times, times range 4:30-9:30 PM
GIFT SHOPS Helping set up and sell items to our patrons so they may take the experience home! This position requires previous training to run our iPad and cash register. Based on show times, times range 5-9:30 PM with matinee options
MEET & GREET Helping out guest artists during meet and greets by organizing patrons into a lines, taking plastic off of CDs, and moving patrons through the line in a timely way. Intermission or post-concert times ranging 8:30-10:30 PM
OFFICE WORK Help stuffing envelopes and mailing out information on our concerts. Based on your availability, regularly available slots
AIRPORT PICKUP You get to meet our guests at the airport and bring them into the Salt Lake valley for the first time! Various times throughout the day and night.
LIGHT WALKING Help us by being onstage while the directors and lighting designers get the show ready. These pop up quickly and last 1-2 hours in the afternoon
DOCENTS We provide trained docents who visit schools in the Canyons, Davis, Granite, Jordan, Salt Lake and Tooele School Districts before the concert. Early winter through spring


We know that not everyone has the money to give to the organizations that mean so much to them and their communities. We depend on our volunteers to run over 200 annual events! With our time is money program you can gain perks by volunteering a certain amount of hours OR becoming a Volunteer Network Donor at the corresponding donation level. USUO strives to honor and recognize its volunteers each year by offering the following benefits for their contributions at the following benefit levels:

Ticket voucher for each volunteer shift you work*
Invitation to the Summer appreciation party
Listed in the May playbill as a Volunteer
< 25 hours OR $0
Ticket voucher for each volunteer shift you work*
Invitation to the Summer appreciation party
20% off at the gift shop
Access to the final dress rehearsal for the Opera for you
Invitation to selection USUO staff social events
Listed in the May playbill at 25 hours level
25 hours OR $150
Ticket voucher for each volunteer shift you work*
Invitation to the Summer appreciation party
20% off at the gift shop
Access to the final Opera dress rehearsal for you AND your family without the use of additional vouchers.
Invitation to selection USUO staff social events
Day-of use for vouchers on blackout performances through the ticket office**
(2) free tickets to all Finishing Touches
Listed in the May playbill at 50 hours level
50 hours OR $300
Ticket voucher for each volunteer shift you work*
Invitation to the Summer appreciation party
20% off at the gift shop
Access to the final Opera dress rehearsal for you AND your family without the use of additional vouchers.
Invitation to selection USUO staff social events
Day-of use for vouchers on blackout performances through the ticket office**
(2) free tickets to all Finishing Touches
Listed in the May playbill at 75 hours level
Personalized Volunteer engraved name tag
1 VIP intermission pass to the Symphony and Opera
Invitation to the Winter Thank You event
75 hours OR $500

* Vouchers are good for select performances throughout the season and expire every May. Expired vouchers are only good at the Volunteer Network Store in the Front of House Director’s office or may be used to gain extra raffle entries at the Summer Appreciation Picnic.  Do not try to hassle the ticket office into flexing these rules.

 ** Starting at 1 PM day of show, Volunteers at this level, may exchange vouchers for performances previously blocked to volunteer vouchers.

Please note: Volunteers will receive perks based on the previous season’s volunteered hours.


Volunteers that have been a part of our USUO family for more than 5 years will receive pins representing how many years they have been part of our network. Pins come in 5, 10, 15 and 20 year increments. To receive them, contact the Front of House Director.


Thanks for your interest in volunteering for USUO. Please fill out the form below, and we will contact you with a list of available opportunities and the next steps in joining the USUO Volunteer Network

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Policies and Procedures

    Attendance & Absenteeism. Arrive on time and ready to work so please take time it takes to park and walk to the hall or theatre into consideration. We rely on our volunteers to help us start the show on time. If you cannot attend please do your best to find a replacement.

    Proper Dress. Please wear what you might normally wear in attendance to a Symphony or Opera performance and shoes that are comfortable to stand in for long periods of time.

    Parking. Unfortunately parking validation is no longer offered. Volunteers are encouraged to take Trax as there is a station right in front of Abravanel Hall and Capitol Theatre. City Creek parking is free for the first two hours and street parking is available and free after 8 PM. There are also multiple lots for $5 per event downtown.

    Food and Drink. Volunteers are not to drink, sample, or finish any wine before or during receptions. After the reception, extra food and soda may be offered to you based on the amount left.

    Represent. I understand that in the minds of patrons, I am an extension of the staff and represent USUO as much as any other member of the staff or crew. I am relied on as good-will ambassadors to help promote a positive experience for our audience members. I will watch my language, and will not speak negatively about the programming, staff, or other volunteers and if an issue arises I will address them directly to the Front of House Director.

    Harassment. I understand that harassment or discrimination is absolutely not tolerated—this includes anything on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, family status, veteran status, sexual orientation, political affiliation or belief. I understand this includes verbal, nonverbal, sexual, nonsexual, quid pro quo (this for that) or creating a hostile work environment. If I experience harassment or am uncomfortable in any way, I will report the incident immediately to the Front of House Director.

    Training. Most of our trainings happen onsite during your assignment, but if you are interested in helping with the Gift Shop, please schedule a training one on one with the Front of House Director at your convenience.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

For more information or questions contact:

Melissa Robison
Front of House Director

Email [email protected] for a current list of available positions and to sign up!

All positions require that you stand for long periods of time and lift 25 pounds above your head. Summer positions allow you to enjoy the performances while you volunteer but other volunteer opportunities enable you to return to enjoy a future performance.